
The HIAS Contextual Data Interface stores contextual data generated by the HIAS network and exposes it to authenticated data consumers via a REST API. HIASCDI is a Python implementation of a CEF/FIWARE NGSI v2 Context Broker. A context broker stores contextual data and serves it to applications by exposing the data through a REST API and pushing notifications through subscriptions.
Project Status
We are in the process of aligning the HIASCDI context broker with the CEF/FIWARE NGSI v2 Specifications, the code availble in this repository does not provide the complete functionality of an NGSI V2 Context Broker and is not yet fully compliant with the NGSI V2 specification.

HIAS Core is an open-source automation server designed to control and manage an intelligent network of IoT connected devices and applications.
In addition to real-time and historical data, the HIAS network is powered by contextual data. HIAS users, IoT devices, robotics, AI agents and other HIAS compatible projects each have a JSON representation stored in the HIASCDI Context Broker. These JSON representations are made up of contextual data which represent the current state of the physical/virtual entity including configuration and authentication settings.
HIAS devices and applications are the contextual data producers for the HIAS network. These devices and applications publish data to the context broker using supported machine to machine communication protocols and the REST API.
HIAS devices and applications are also the contextual data consumers. Devices and applications connected to the network consume contextual data generated by the network.
Connecting Europe Facility

We are proud to be collaborating with the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF/CEF Digital) for the HIAS/HIASCDI project. CEF is a European Union initiative facilitating the delivery of digital public services across Europe.
With the support and guidance of CEF and FIWARE, we are working towards a full feature and fully compliant Python implementation of an NGSI V2 Context Broker.

Read the CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) success story on HIAS and the HIASCDI Context Broker.

Watch Association President - Adam Milton-Barker's presentation at the CEF Context Broker in action webinar June 2021 on the HIAS and the HIASCDI Context Broker.
Thank you to CEF for the opportunity to speak at this event. Special thanks to Erbil Kop, Regina dela Eva and Caroline Corneau

Through the coillaboration with CEF, we were introduced to FIWARE. The FIWARE Community is an independent Open Community whose members are commited to materialise the FIWARE mission, that is: “to build an open sustainable ecosystem around public, royalty-free and implementation-driven software platform standards that will ease the development of new Smart Applications in multiple sectors”.
Like CEF, FIWARE have very been supportive of our vision, and have helped guide the transition towards a fully compliant NGSI V2 Context Broker. Special thanks to Ken Zangelin from FIWARE who has volunteered considerable hours to assist with technical guidance.
We would like to thank both CEF and FIWARE for their continued support and guidance.
Ready to get started ? Head over to the official documentation for instructions on how to download/install HIASCDI.
The Asociación de Investigacion en Inteligencia Artificial Para la Leucemia Peter Moss encourages and welcomes code contributions, bug fixes and enhancements from the Github community.
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