Emergency Assistance Robot Mini

Emergency Assistance Robot Mini

Emergency Assistance Robot Mini on Linkedin Emergency Assistance Robot Mini on Intel DevMesh

EMAR Mini an open-source Emergency Robot Assistant prototype. EMAR Mini is a minature version of EMAR that is being built to assist doctors, nurses and hospital staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, and similar situations we may face in the future.



EMAR Mini an open-source Emergency Robot Assistant prototype. EMAR Mini is a miniature version of EMAR that is being built to assist doctors, nurses and hospital staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, and similar situations we may face in the future.

The idea for this open-source tele-operated robot came as Asociación de Investigacion en Inteligencia Artificial Para la Leucemia Peter Moss President & Founder, Adam Milton-Barker, was sat in room in a hospital surrounded by people with COVID-19 as a potential COVID-19 Pneumonia patient. The doctors, nurses and other teams were in among the patients for the whole 12 hours or more Adam was in the hospital.

Some of the common things Adam saw was nurses & doctors calling patients, giving paracetamol, taking temperatures, adjusting masks and blankets. Every time one of the medical staff had to do one of these tasks they were putting themselves in danger of catching COVID-19. Each of these tasks can be carried out by tele-operated robots, so this is where the idea for EMAR came from.

Project Contributors

Jose Mario Garza

Alumni: Jose Mario Garza

3D Design / Printing

Simeon Pieterkosky

Simeon Pieterkosky

Robotics Designer & Engineer


Project Presentation


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